Roble marrón oscuro/negro mate Paneles Linear

Linear panels
The Linear Edition measures 2,600 mm x 148 mm (cover width 135 mm) and offers six designs in wood and plain colours.
With its louvre look, it can also be perfectly combined with the purist Decor Edition as well as with the coordinated wood designs. All panels give rooms a personal touch and create an individual ambience.
Thanks to their product structure, they are also suitable for damp rooms and can therefore also be planned for use in bathrooms and kitchens; they are also particularly UV-resistant and easy to clean.

Datos del producto
Documentos para descargar
Ficha de datostHDPDatenblattUniqueDesignPaneeleGB20240903web.pdf
Folleto de mantenimientotHAPDPPflegeanleitungHaushaltDE20240408web.pdf
Instrucciones de instalacióntHDPVerlegungDEGBFRESNLPL202409v1fweb.pdf
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